'서버/IIS'에 해당되는 글 5건

  1. 2013.10.14 IIS에 Readmin 설치하기
  2. 2010.07.09 2003 서버에서 FTP 포트변경하기... Passive Mode
  3. 2010.06.15 Get your (old) COM-based or "ASP.NET with Interop" web app working in Windows Server 2003 R2 64 Bit
  4. 2010.06.15 64비트 윈도우즈에서 32비트 프로그램이 동작하도록 IIS 6.0 설정하기
  5. 2010.06.15 64비트 윈도우즈 (IIS 6.0) 에서 32비트 프로그램 동작시키기

IIS에 Readmin 설치하기

서버/IIS 2013. 10. 14. 13:46

출처 : http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/310678/Installing-Redmine-on-Windows-in-production

This is a very simple step by step guide to install Redmine on Windows server in production. This guide is applicable to IIS 7+ based servers, which include Windows Server 2008, 2008 R2, Windows Vista and Windows 7. Latter two should not be used for production solutions. Please follow these steps:

1. Download Microsoft Web Platform Installer, and install it.

2. Run Web Platform Installer and click “Options”.

3. Add Helicon Zoo feed into “Display additional scenarios” field:http://www.helicontech.com/zoo/feed Select “IIS” as a target web server.

A new tab named “Zoo” should appear on the main page of Platform Installer.

4. Go to Zoo → Applications and add Redmine, then click install.

This will automatically download and install all required components, including Ruby 1.8.7, Rails 2.3, Helicon Zoo Module and Redmine itself.

5. Setup new web-site dialog will appear. Fill it with your server specific values.

6. Go to the /admin/ folder on this web-site. Use login “admin” and password “admin” to enter Redmine Administration panel.

Custom Database

Redmine supports multiple database engines. By default SQLite is installed, however there are example configuration files for MySQL and PostgreSQL within “config” folder of Redmine application. If you wish to use MySQL, for an instance, take “database.yml.mysql” file; name it as “database.yml” and alter according to your MySQL database settings. Then restart IIS application which contains your Redmine application. All required database migrations will be executed automatically by deploy.rb script.

That’s it, enjoy!


2003 서버에서 FTP 포트변경하기... Passive Mode

서버/IIS 2010. 7. 9. 00:07

2003 설치했다. 포트 변경했다가.. 안돼서 ..고민한적이 있나요??

나처럼 고생할 사람들을 위해 글로 남겼다.


요즘은 2003 서버 서비스 팩 덕에.. .방화벽이 기본으로... 들어 있다.

당연히 방화벽은 올려야 된다..


그런데 FTP 를 기본 21이 아닌 다른 포토로 변경했을때 ... .문제가 발생한다...

리얼IP면 상관 없지만 사설일경우에 문제가 생긴다...

사설이라 들어오는 포트가 차단되다 보니 서버와 FTP 통신이 안된다.



이럴때 사용되는것이 Passive 모드 통신이다.

하지만 기본적으로 서버가 지정한 랜덤 패시브 포트 역시.... 방화벽에 의해 기본 차단되어 있다....


아주 낭패다.....


이럴때 해결법은 서버에서 Passive 모드에 대한 셋팅을 지정하고 방화벽 또한 맞추어준다.



1> 메타베이스를 수정한다.

    메타 수정도 2가지 방법이 있다.


     2가지 방법은 MS사이트에 소개돼 있다.




a) To Enable Direct Metabase Edit
1. Open the IIS Microsoft Management Console (MMC).
2. Right-click on the Local Computer node.
3. Select Properties.
4. Make sure the Enable Direct Metabase Edit checkbox is checked.

b) Configure PassivePortRange via ADSUTIL script
1. Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK.
2. Type cd Inetpub\AdminScripts and then press ENTER.
3. Type the following command from a command prompt.
    adsutil.vbs set /MSFTPSVC/PassivePortRange "5500-5700"
4. Restart the FTP service.

한글로 설명하자면 IIS관리창의 서버에서 속성->메타베이스 직접편집 허용을 체크한후

C:\WINDOWS\system32\inetsrv\metabase.xml   파일을 열어서

<IISFtpService> 부분을 찾어서 

 PassivePortRange="5001-5011"      <= 를 추가한다.   (사이에공란이 없도록)

위줄을 추가한후 저장. IIS 를 재시작 한다.

이때 방화벽에서 포트 하나 하나 열어야 되므로 범위를 좁게 잡자...... 난 11개 열었다....


그리고 ADSUTIL 을 이용한 방법은..
Adsutil.vbs set /MSFTPSVC/PassivePortRange "5001-5011"





2> 방화벽을 포트를 연다.


    패시브 포트로 연 포트들을 방화벽에서 하나하나 등록해야 된다....





위 작업을 간단히

배치파일로 처리가 가능하다.



================= PassivePort.bat ======

Echo OFF

CScript.Exe C:\Inetpub\AdminScripts\adsutil.vbs set /MSFTPSVC/PassivePortRange "5001-5011"





위 내용부분을 서버에서 bat  파일로 저장후에 실행하자..... 간단히 해결된다....





참고한사이트들..  (참고라기보단 긁거온거에 가까운가...)







PassivePortRange는 5001이상 부터 사용이 가능합니다.
서버에 Windows방화벽을 사용하면서 Passive포트의 구간을 정해서 사용하려면 위에서 설정한 구간의 포트값들을 Windows방화벽의 예외 부분에 포트값으로 추가해줘야합니다. (20개 구간이라면 20번작업)
* 고급란에서 따로 더 추가해 주는 부분이 있는데, 이분에 FTP서버를 설정해버리면 예외부분과 중복이 되서...Passive모드 정상동작이 안됩니다. *



서버가 방화벽을 사용 중이라면 클라이언트가 private IP일 경우엔 연결이 안됩니다.(20/21 포트 외 다른 포트를 사용할 때)


Get your (old) COM-based or "ASP.NET with Interop" web app working in Windows Server 2003 R2 64 Bit

서버/IIS 2010. 6. 15. 14:51
You have windows 2003 R2 64 bit SP1. You have the 64bit version of the .NET framework (V2 or higher) installed. No other changes have been made to IIS - it seems to run just fine for serving .NET and HTML. You install your web application that includes COM, try to run it, and BANG...
Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a01ad' 
ActiveX component can't create object
The cause? Its because those COM objects are 32 bit components, and by default IIS won't work with 32 components. You need to tell IIS to run in 32 bit compatibility mode (WOW64). To do this, you need to configure IIS to run in 32 bit compatibility mode, as explained by this link.
But wait! Its not quite that easy! If you do this, then you're telling IIS to run in 32 bit mode, but then you've already got the 64 bit ASP.NET DLL's registered with IIS, so the first time you hit your app, you'll probably see a big fat "Service Unavailable" Error message. If you look in the event log, you'll see your application pools are crashing with this error:
A process serving application pool 'DefaultAppPool' reported a failure.

The process id was '4156'. The data field contains the error number.
So, you need to register the 32 bit ASP.NET DLL's with IIS. But wait! You can't do that before you un-register the existing 64 bit ones.
Enough waffling. Here's the step-by-step :-

1. Un-register the 64 bit ASP.NET DLL's. In a command prompt, navigate to C:\Windows\Framework64\v2.0.50727\ and from there run "aspnet_regiis -u"
2. Set IIS to work in 32 bit compatibility (WOW64) mode: 
cscript c:\inetpub\AdminScripts\adsutil.vbs set w3svc/AppPools/Enable32BitAppOnWin64 1
3. Register the 32-Bit ASP.NET DLL's. Navigate to C:\Windows\Framework\v2.0.50727\ and from there run "aspnet_regiis -i"
4. Finally, in IIS, Navigate to "Web Service Extensions", and make sure that ASP.NET is "allowed".

64비트 윈도우즈에서 32비트 프로그램이 동작하도록 IIS 6.0 설정하기

서버/IIS 2010. 6. 15. 14:48
Windows Server 2003TM, Service Pack 1 enables IIS 6.0 to run 32-bit Web applications on 64-bit Windows using the Windows-32-on-Windows-64 (WOW64) compatibility layer. IIS 6.0 using WOW64 is intended to run 32-bit personal productivity applications needed by software developers and administrators, including 32-bit Internet Information Services (IIS) Web applications. 

64비트 윈도우즈에서 32비트 프로그램을 동작시키는 방법에 대해 좀더 많은 정보를 원한다면 64비트 윈도우즈에서 32비트 프로그램 동작시키기 를 참조하라.

64비트 윈도우즈에서 32비트 프로그램이 동작하도록 IIS 6.0 설정하기

  1. 명령 프롬프트 창을 열고 %systemdrive%\Inetpub\AdminScripts 디렉토리로 이동한다.
  2. 다음과 같이 명령어를 입력하고 엔터를 누른다. 
    cscript.exe adsutil.vbs set W3SVC/AppPools/Enable32BitAppOnWin64 "true"

출처 : http://www.microsoft.com/technet/prodtechnol/WindowsServer2003/Library/IIS/405f5bb5-87a3-43d2-8138-54b75db73aa1.mspx?mfr=true

64비트 윈도우즈 (IIS 6.0) 에서 32비트 프로그램 동작시키기

서버/IIS 2010. 6. 15. 14:42
Windows Server 2003™, Service Pack 1 enables IIS 6.0 to run 32-bit Web applications on 64-bit Windows using the Windows-32-on-Windows-64 (WOW64) compatibility layer. IIS 6.0 using WOW64 is intended to run 32-bit personal productivity applications needed by software developers and administrators, including 32-bit Internet Information Services (IIS) Web applications.
On 64-bit Windows, 32-bit processes cannot load 64-bit DLLs, and 64-bit processes cannot load 32-bit DLLs. If you plan to run 32-bit applications on 64-bit Windows, you must configure IIS to create 32-bit worker processes. Once you have configured IIS to create 32-bit worker processes, you can run the following types of IIS applications on 64-bit Windows:
  • Internet Server API (ISAPI) extensions
  • ISAPI filters
  • Active Server Page (ASP) applications (specifically, scripts calling COM objects where the COM object can be 32-bit or 64-bit)
  • ASP.NET applications
IIS can, by default, launch Common Gateway Interface (CGI) applications on 64-bit Windows, because CGI applications run in a separate process.

Configuring IIS to run 32-bit Web applications on 64-bit Windows
Before you configure IIS to run 32-bit applications on 64-bit Windows, note the following:

  • IIS only supports 32-bit worker processes in Worker Process Isolation mode on 64-bit Windows.
  • On 64-bit Windows, the World Wide Web Publishing service can run 32-bit and 64-bit worker processes. Other IIS services like the IIS Admin service, the SMTP service, the NNTP service, and the FTP service run 64-bit processes only.
  • On 64-bit Windows, the World Wide Web Publishing service does not support running 32-bit and 64-bit worker processes concurrently on the same server.
For the procedure to run 32-bit Web applications on 64-bit Windows, see Configuring IIS to Run 32-bit Applications on 64-bit Windows.

After configuring IIS to run 32-bit Web applications on 64-bit Windows

After you configure IIS 6.0 to run 32-bit Web applications, IIS stores 32-bit DLLs and ISAPIs in the %windir%\syswow64\inetsrv directory. All other IIS files, including the MetaBase.xml file, are stored in the %windir%\system32\inetsrv directory. File access to the System32 and sub directories are transparently redirected based on the bitness of the process making that file access (64-bit processes have full access, while 32-bit processes have access to System32 redirected to Syswow64). If your legacy applications have specific 32-bit file access needs and you notice application failures, see if the application needs to reference the new %windir%\syswow64\inetsrv to resolve the problem.
